Click HERE to go to our BRAND NEW online Amazon Store where you can order DVDs, Books, Tapes, CDs and so on, and for every order placed we will earn a few pennies (it all helps to boost the old coffers don't ya know…)
SCRIPTS: "The Quest For Tutankahmen" Series 1 no: 1 11 pages = £1.35 "The Story of Civilisation" Series 3 no: 15 14 pages = £1.50 "The Quest for Colonel Winchmold" Series 3 no: 17 17 pages = £1.65 "The Man who tried to destroy London's Monuments" Series 4 no: 2 13 pages = £1.45 "The Collapse of the British Railway Sandwich System" Series 4 no: 24 12 pages = £1.45 "The Whistling Spy Enigma" Series 5 no: 1 1 6 pages = £1.60 "The Lost Goldmine of Charlotte" Series 5 no: 2 16 pages = £1.60 "1985" Series 5 no: 20 13 pages (illustrated version) = £1.45 "The Sinking of Westminster Pier" Series 5 no: 21 13 pages = £1.45 "The Treasure in the Lake" Series 6 no: 24 13 pages = £1.45 "The Nasty Affair at the Burami Oasis" Series 7 no: 1 13 pages = £1.45 "Drums Along the Mersey" Series 7 no: 2 12 pages = £1.40 "Insurance--the White Man's burden" Series 7 no: 21 16 pages = £1.60 "Queen Anne's Rain" Series 9 no: 8 13 pages = £1.45 "A Christmas Carol" Series 10 no: 1 14 pages = £1.50 and "The Vanishing Room". Vintage Goons No: 6 18 pages = £1.70
Non-original scripts which have been typed by members by listening to the shows, on single-sided A4 paper, stapled in top left hand corner.
"The Goons Invade" T V Mirror 25.9.1954 = 50p "These Are The Goons" Everybody's 5.7.1952 = 45p "Becoming Mrs Milligan" Weekend 13.4.1996 = 45p "Victoria Sellers & Britt Ekland" Sunday Times 26.3.1995 = 55p "Harry Secombe interview" Sunday Express 21.9.1997 = 45p "Spike - look back in anger" Time Out 17.4.1996 = 45p "Mrs Goon of Goon Hall" TV Mirror 29.2.1956 = 45p "How I mended Spike's heart" Sunday People 3.1.1982 = 45p "Milligan on a knife edge" Sounds 22.6.1974 = 35p "The Tragic Secret of Spike" TV Mirror 1.2.1958 = 45p "Telegoons Posters x 4" TV Comic c.1964 = 65p "Milligan - by Neil Shand" Catalyst c.1980's = 45p "Being Mrs Milligan" Daily Express 16.4.1998 = 45p "At Home with Spike" People Magazine c1990's = 45p "The Peter Sellers Story" Weekend Guardian 7.7.1990 = 75p
All Archives on large format A3 sheets to recreate newspaper size pages. Postage & Packing extra, sent in large C4 envelopes. Please email for prices.
This is just the first of many things we hope to bring to you, the starved Goon Show masses, and as we told you, it really is helpful joining us and being a paid-up member as a percentage of profits gets ploughed back into the Society's funds, so everyone's a winner.
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