The life-size statue by John Somerville will show Spike sitting on a park bench, turning as if to speak to an imaginary person sharing the bench with him. The bench will also be in bronze and will depict various aspects of Spike's life. Subject to Planning Permission from the London Borough of Barnet, the statue will be erected outside Avenue House in East End Road, Finchley, London N3. This was a building where Spike used to attend Society meetings and parties and was also one that he greatly admired, both for its architecture and its attractive grounds. Spike often presided at meetings of The Finchley Society in Avenue House. Once the statue is in place, many people, young and old, will come to have their photographs taken in this unique setting. The statue will cost in the region of £30,000.00.
From David Smith, Secretary, Dec 2014 Many thanks for the wonderful donation of £500.00 from the GSPS. The finished statue was unveiled to great applause. Many Thanks to all who contributed.
Our talented sculptor, John Somerville, has finished the making of the statue, and finally Spike and his iconic bench is at the foundry and will take 12 weeks to mould and cast. A significant problem which we are finalising at the moment is ensuring a deterrent for thieves, once the statue is in place. We have finally reached our target for the statue, but we still need more funds for insurance, installation and endowment.
Our fundraising efforts received a boost recently from a couple of our patrons, Joanna Lumley and Maureen Lipman, who both readily agreed to attend an informal meal at the Chairman's house in Finchley where 7 guests paid £100 for the privilege of sitting at the same table. The committee prepared and waited upon the guests and the conversation flowed freely with much laughter. Next year we hope to include other patrons in this successful activity.
Meanwhile bric-a-bac, books, jigsaws, T - shirts, Spike's cards and some Monty Python merchandise are offered for sale on our web site and at as many sales tables locally as possible. As soon as the nights' start drawing in the very popular quiz evenings will begin again …only £5. Get up a team and see our events section for where they will be held.
Donations are coming in slowly but surely from around the world.
The Finchley Society 'statue fund' web pages have moved! They are now at www.spikemilliganstatuefund.org.uk
The GSPS are proud to be associated with the Statue Fund as it's a marvellous venture and to this end we are happy to publicise the Finchley Society's fund-raising events on our web site.
For details of these and any other planned events contact either David Smith or Barbara Warren, (Chairman of the SMSF) at the email address barwar at waitrose.com (and please feel free to mention the GSPS) Previous fund-raising events have included: May 2006 A tribute show at the Pentland Theatre, North Finchley June 2006 Family Fun Day & BBQ at the Avenue House. "Several hundred people descended on Avenue House on a hot sunny day in June to enjoy a Family Fun Day & BBQ…we received many words of appreciation… and we were well supported by specially invited guests, including the Mayor Councillor Eva Greenspan, Chairman of the Greater London Assembly; Mr Jono Coleman from BBC Radio London; and Mr John Repsch, Chairman of The Goon Show Preservation Society… we were fortunate to have so many talented people in our midst…"