The Goon Show Preservation Society

Favourite Shows & Personal Commentaries

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From time-to-time throughout the years, various GSPS members wrote articles for the newsletter under the banner "A Personal Commentary". They took the form of a write-up about a particular show, usually one of their own favourites, with an in-depth appraisal and "commentary" about the chosen subject. They were often accompanied by some wonderful on-the-spot cartoons by our own GSPS cartoonist, Tim Leatherbarrow, some of which we have included for your delight.


The first is by our fondly remembered (and one-time
GSPS Officer) Graeme Foot.     'Footo' to his friends.

Who cannot fail to remember Bournemouth and not recall 'The Webster Smogpule Concert Party' or Brighton, and that beautiful keyboard accompaniment of his to that stirring rendition of "Sussex-by-the-Sea" lead by Mad Morris and Tarquin, the demon depilator?

Ah yes, head-shaving will never be the same again…

So, here we go then, with;   "The Curse of Frankenstein"

Next,  we have
"The Call of the West"

written by Steaming Mike Childs, Head of the 'Seagoons' branch;  (South East Anglia Goons) well-known Eccles impersonator and knotted-string consultant.

Then, we have 
"The Greenslade Story"

written by our Founder, the now-retired ex-bank manager, Mike Coveney; famous for playing Grytpype-Thynne and other suave scoundrels.

And finally, we have
"The House of Teeth"  also by the fiend Michael 'mines-a-pint' Coveney….

If you have a hankering to do one of these about maybe
your favourite show, then by all means have a go, send it in, and you never know, next time it might be your name up in lights for all the Goon World to see...

Click and Enjoy.