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An Interview with --

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Spike Milligan Statue

An Interview

Canadian Charlies

Dirk Maggs

The man from Oz' s email:
As further background, Gosford City Library (NSW, Australia) is working to create a permanent exhibition celebrating the many Australian connections of Spike Milligan and his family. We have a good collection of published works by Spike, and many CD recordings. When Spike's family sold the former home of Leo and Florence Milligan at Woy Woy, Gosford Library was able to collect display material from the home (notably Leo's study), take photographs and obtain many books collected and signed by Spike.

The display concept is in its infancy...there is much work to be done to gather sufficient material to tell the story of Leo, Florence, Desmond and Spike. Research done here to date has revealed that Spike had a very deep attachment to Woy Woy.

Any support you can give to this project would be very welcome,
Geoffrey Potter
Local Studies Librarian | Library Services Gosford City Council

Les here, GSPS web-master:

I interviewed Rohan Candappa, author and Goon fan, about his latest novel, featuring (Prince) Charles as a revolutionary.  Looney enough, but what caught my eye was that it has a
"previously un-published Goon Showamongst its pages…

And I quote:

"Mr Spike Milligan was the comic genius who wrote most of the scripts for the Goon Show. The mad world that he, week in, week out, created was very much his way of  escaping the allegedly sane world that he, week in, week out, found himself living in during the 1950's.

What follows is a reasonably accurate transcript of a Goon Show that was specially commissioned by the Queen from Mr Spike Milligan to help explain to her son the point of the royal family. Its aim was to get the lad to understand where he stood. (And why, while he stood, others would often kneel, or at the very least curtsey.)

The show - the now famous '
Dreaded Affair of The Pointless Crown' was never broadcast on air, or even in the air, but instead was performed in a one-off performance at the Palace for all the members of the royal family.

As well as his regular team of characters, Mr Peter Sellers also played 'The Queen' and 'Prince Cha'. Mr Harry Secombe played his usual self, and Mr Spike Milligan all the others."

So there you have it - proof if ever there was any needed, the Goon Show lives on.


Another Interview:

Idly listening to my local radio station 'Spirit FM' one day an ad' came on for a company selling an online "Holiday Money Transfer" service. You know, roubles, shekels, yash-maks, euros, that sort of thing, but what caught my ears was the 'sound' of the advert itself. It was a very good likeness of a Goon Show, with the final lines being;

"Where's me holiday money gone?"   "I must've dropped it in the channel"

"It has fallen in de water…"

And as you can imagine I wanted to find out more. Several phone calls later and I found the man behind the ad' to be one Bob Jenkins, and his company advertise quite often on local radio. He's a goon fan who's got the money to pay professional voice artists to produce his skits for him. So far he's done The Goons, Dad's Army and Round the Horne .
Bob kindly phoned me back and the following story unfolded. Born in 1949, by the end of the 60's he was a junior reporter on the Portsmouth News and was sent one evening to interview a certain Spike Milligan at the Kings Theatre, Southsea, where Spike got booed off the stage and so started his loathing of all things 'Portsmouth'. Bob of course got hooked and has been a Spike / Goons fan ever since.

February 2009-- the latest version has the pimply schoolboy announcing that
"he's fallen in the billabong…" 

So, a connection to Australia there, strange how these things happen...

Spike--the Matinee idol