As a world wide group, we occasionally get asked to help promote "other" sites on our web space. We would make a disclaimer though as to the content of any of the listed sites. We cannot be held responsible for any claims or actions held by other people on their own particular sites (which in a lot of cases are just hobbies). Sites that offer free downloads of Goon Shows, wav files, free scripts or images etc. are in essence breaking copyright law and we cannot condone that sort of behaviour. If it weren't for the likes of Ted Kendall (who was commissioned by the BBC to produce those fine digitally re-mastered CD's for sale to the general public) then we wouldn't have half the material we do have today to listen to, and the world would be a poorer place, (especially if any future releases were jeopardised due to illegal downloading). As the official Goon Show Preservation Society, we have to be seen to be above reproach, hope you don't mind. Anyway, enough of the soap-box, if you know of a site, or indeed have your own web site that you would like to see featured here, then drop us a line with some details and we'll see what we can do.