The Goon Show Preservation Society

Goonery in the News

Spotted at the NFT (for the BFI Night);

John Antrobus (I had a nice chat with him and invited him to come along to one of our London Meetings some time).

Joe McGrath, film director (The Magic Christian, The Great McGonagall, and the original Casino Royale.

A bloke that looked exactly like Colin Firth (you know, Mr Darcy!).

And the famous John Repsch, in his role of Author and all round good egg.

Spotted outside; pages from a book (at £10 per set of five) of which I used to own the exact same edition, with about 300 pages inside it… quel fromage frais, all that lovely moolah could have been mine...

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Roger Wilmut
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Goonery in the News

Spike Milligan Statue

An Interview

Canadian Charlies

Dirk Maggs

Farmer Buckley's Exploding Trousers

In 1931, the peace and quiet of the New Zealand countryside was shattered by a terrifying new phenomenon: suddenly and apparently at random, men's trousers began to explode.

"Richard Buckley was lucky. When his trousers blew up he wasn't wearing them. He was badly shocked, but as the local paper reported at the time, he had the sufficient presence of mind to seize them off the clothes-horse and hurl them through the open window, where they landed on his front lawn, still smouldering and occasionally emitting small bangs of explosion. It seems that, like many in the farming community, he was merrily spraying a new 'wonder substance' (sodium chlorate) to help eradicate the dreaded Ragwort from his fields, and unfortunately when combined with other 'organic' material, ie; his unsuspecting lower garments made of cotton, the mixture becomes violently explosive." 
No doubt it was eventually banned...

From the book "The David Jason Story" by Stafford Hildred & Tim Ewbank.

"...As David grew so to did his interest in comedy. He once led his friends on a trip to London to see his Radio heroes 'The Goons' performing."

"...My obsession with silly voices once led me to work with my childhood hero, the late great Peter Sellers.  It was in the Abbey Road studios and I was there to 'do' a couple of silly voices on one his records and I was quaking in awe of the man. There I was in the canteen trying to order lunch with him, I couldn't hardly speak ."

"...When I'm in the car and feeling a bit fed-up I put on a tape of a Goon Show and all my worries disappear."

Found in a sweet shop in Folkestone, all the way from Belgium, probably via the Channel Tunnel Ferries. Das wunderbar shokolat  mit der hajul-nuts: "Shpike!" und only zwei drachma.

More of these snippets will be added as time goes on, or if you've got any that you'd like to see featured, then watch this space